Thursday, January 29, 2009

Why Me? What did I do to deserve this?

This is for this guy who has libel me and has made me out to something I am not to be. This man has posted pictures up of me, and others and has put us in the line of fire, and has no reguards to facts of the case he is writing on. In fact the things he is posting is harmful to not only the family of the victim, me as well and others who pictures he has put up of as well to himself.

This is me reaching out to does who believe what he is doing is "wrong" and to help prevent issues of the sort to be stopped. Help me prevent harm to come to anyone in matters such as this. If you click the link above u will enter the link in with this issue is being dicussed about. Please feel free to tell me your honest opions on this matter and more.

Here are some interesting FACTS about this guy.

Hoff (who also goes by John Hoffman) moved to North Dakota from Seattle to attend the University of North Dakota and be near his family. Shortly after arriving he, like thirty days after arriving, he ran for the Grand Forks City Council on the "Green Party" ticket although he wasn't officially a member of that party (he describes himself as a "green libertarian." He won the position on a fluke (he beat out a write-in candidate by just six votes after the incumbent left town) and found himself on the City Council just over a month after he moved into the city itself.

Hoff's tenure on the city council didn't last long. He was elected in May of 2000, but by October citizens - angered by Hoff's childish antics on the council - had organized a petition for a recall election and got Hoff booted off the council.

something else that is interesting is the fact that he works for the mndaily. Proff is e-mail address that is giving to employees only. Huh!! (

Also this is even more very interesting FACT: John Hoff’s House: 3016 6th St. N - Sale Data Uncovered An Artical that was written by: DFL Mentor, Jim Watkins States - With no thanks to John Hoff AKA Johnny Northside or Hawthorne Housing Director Jeff Skrenes for not disclosing any information after they were asked… It was only a matter of time before I would find the information (which was supposed to be released to the public) anyway. Lets take a look at the details of the shady deal John orchestrated with his pal Jeff Skrenes and the Minneapolis City Council.

April 2008: John Hoff buys 3016 6th St. N for $8,500. John announces on his blog that he intended to fix it up and live in it. The house was NOT a boarded property and John claimed a rehab had begun before he bought it.
After he bought it, he was asked how he was going to bring the electric and plumbing up to code before he would be able to sell the property. John said in an email that he was on a first name basis with city inspectors and the city was keenly aware of his plans for the house. He never moved into the house.
July 2008: 3016 6th St. N was added to a list of houses the city of Minneapolis would buy and demolish.
August 2008: City of Minneapolis buys 3016 6th St. N from John Hoff but, sale information was not made available to the public and John Hoff refused to answer any questions about the sale.
September 2008: Tax assessed value for the property from July 2008 and September 2008, revealed the overall value jumped from $48,400 to $128,000 yet the county site listed the current tax value was as of January 2007… More than a year before John Hoff bought the house.
November 2008: Sale information is found on


Sale History
08/05/2008: $17,000 *
04/21/2008: $8,500 *
05/16/2006: $195,000
10/01/2003: $120,000
11/14/1997: $56,504
Show all sale history See less sale history
Transaction Not Included in Zestimate
This transaction was not used in computing the Zestimate for this house due to anomalies we detected with this transaction. These anomalies can include unusual document or transaction types, sales between possibly related parties, unusually high or low transaction prices, or other data irregularities that might indicate the transaction is not a full-value, arms-length transaction. * Transaction not included in Zestimate. More info

I am not the only person who would like to know how John Hoff was allowed to sell his house without making any repairs. No explanation was offered as to how the house (not previously boarded) went from “livable” to needing to be demolished in less than 4 months.
In a four month period, John Hoff doubled his money when he sold his house to the city for $17,000 WITHOUT improving it. That is a profit of $8,500 for doing nothing other than make friends with inspectors, council members and neighborhood leaders.

The entire transaction reeks of under the table, shady dealings. I would ask this question directly to John but, he avoids anything that could make him look like a criminal that he claims he is not.
My question: Did John pay Capital Gains tax on the transaction? I doubt he did a 1033Exchange when he sold the house.

WOW!!!!! Now how did this happen? I guess his " HIGH RANKING FRIENDS " which he likes to brag about had something to do with this? Who knows how this came about?

Another fact is that the Myspace profile of Sammie Burch is "PRIVATE" which means ( u would either have to be Sammie to get on his page, a friend, or some sort of computer hack to get on his page without Sammie's passcode. HUH!!!!!!!!!! How in the world did this happen?